感謝您瀏覽 WOOL & HUES 網站。在使用我們的網站或提交任何個人資訊前,請閱讀本隱私政策。使用本網站,即表示您接受本隱私政策中描述的做法。我們可能不得不改變我們的做法,但當我們這樣做時,我們會在此處發布這些更改,因此請在您再次訪問該網站時查看隱私政策,以確保您了解我們將如何使用您提供的任何個人信息。


我們僅收集顧客為滿足特定要求而自願提交的個人身份資訊。例如,顧客自願提交的姓名和電子郵件地址以註冊 WOOL & HUES 的時事通訊,除非您允許我們以其他方式使用它。

為了提供最佳用戶體驗,我們可能會使用 cookie 技術。 Cookie 收集瀏覽器類型和操作系統等信息,追蹤網站使用者的使用率,並幫助我們了解使用者如何使用網站。 Cookie 不收集個人信息。



如果您對隱私有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件至 bluemondayyarns@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting WOOL & HUES's website.  Please read this privacy policy before using our website or submitting any personal information. By using this website, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. We may have to change our practices, but when we do, we will post those changes here, so please review the privacy policy whenever you revisit the website to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

Collection of Information
We only collect personally identifiable information that visitors voluntarily submit to fulfil a specific request. For example, a visitor might voluntarily submit their name and email address to sign up to WOOL & HUES's newsletter. This information is only used to fulfil your specific request unless you give us permission to use it in another manner.

To help customise our website for the best possible user experience, we may use cookie and tracking technology. Cookies gather information such as browser type and operating system, track the number of visitors to the website, and help us understand how visitors use the website. Cookies do not collect personal information.

Sharing of Information
We do not share any information with others for marketing purposes. The only time we would share information would be when required or permitted by law to do so, for example with governmental agencies in fraud prevention or investigation.

Data Security
Your personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorised employees, agents and contractors, who have also agreed to keep information secure and confidential, have access to this information. If you sign up for our newsletter, you will be able to opt out of further mailings.

Privacy Questions?
We hope that this policy explains and confirms our commitment to your privacy and data security. Should you have any questions about privacy, please email us at bluemondayyarns@gmail.com